Right, so I can apparently tell the difference between Billie Piper's nipples and that of her new body double. Even being preggers, Billie still looks completely gorgeous. I love her. Also, very pleased to report that season two of Secret Diary of a Call Girl continues forth with its previous coquettish charm. I'm finding that this season has more of a plot than the first, which had great standalone episodes but no continuing story. My favorite thing about Secret Diary of a Call Girl would have to be living vicariously through Belle's sexcapades. When else would I get to go to a fairy tale themed sex party without feeling totally awkward?
Brandy: "Right, so who are you supposed to be? "
Belle: "Rapunzel. Obviously. So I have to find a man who can climb walls... and my hair."
Brandy: "So glad I'm not snow white. Fucked if I'm doin' it with seven dwarves!"
Oh, and my obsession with tall, lanky British boys with dark hair and blue eyes is easily satisfied in the form of the ever-so-perfect best friend and would-be lover Ben:
who, coincidentally, makes me think of meeting cute Irish boys with floppy brown hair named Chris at the Spanish steps in Italy. Oh, gee, I've gone all nostalgic.
Unfortunately, I don't think the newest season will make it to America for awhile, which sucks unless you know how to use the internet to your advantage like yours truly. Otherwise, you can read Belle du Jour's blog for free or buy the DVD off Amazon. Unless you managed to watch season one while it aired on HBO, in which case Belle and I congratulate you.
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